After a busy season of exams, study fatigue, and hard work, our agency, Study More, organized a necessary recreational trip to Hilarion Castle for mood adjustment.

The trip was fully funded by the agency, covering transportation, entrance fees to tourist sites, and the accompaniment of an expert tour guide familiar with the region’s landmarks. The aim was to bring joy and pleasure to the hearts of our students studying at Turkish Cypriot universities in various majors.

We chose this stunning castle as our destination because of its distinctive historical and cultural significance. Situated atop the Kyrenia mountain range overlooking the city, Saint Hilarion Castle is one of the most important historical landmarks in the region.

Additionally, the castle shines with its rich history, dating back to medieval ages, and has witnessed many important historical events.

The trip also included an informative guided tour by the tour guide who accompanied us, followed by a camping break in the enchanting natural surroundings of Kyrenia.

We are confident that this trip was an exceptional and wonderful adventure, leaving an unforgettable positive impact on our dear students. We hope it helps them quickly adapt to their new student life during their studies in Northern Cyprus.

It was also a nice opportunity for our international students to get to know each other, forming part of a series of activities and events that we regularly organize to broaden our students’ horizons and facilitate networking among them through exploring the beauty, history, and culture of Northern Cyprus in an enjoyable and interactive way.

To learn more about our activities and the opportunities we provide in the best universities in Turkish Cyprus, do not hesitate to contact us now!


Edited by: Study More©