If you are a student looking for information about studying at Turkish Cypriot universities, you may need someone to help you access the details that matter to you, especially after the great reputation of its international universities.

Cyprus Island has a constellation of universities that attract thousands of students annually from different parts of the world to enjoy their multiple advantages, low costs, and internationally recognized degrees.

If you want to learn more about studying in Cyprus to see if it’s worth traveling and exploring, we at Study More are happy to provide you with the necessary information to help you make one of the most important decisions of your life so far.


First – Studying in Turkish Cypriot universities

Cyprus is considered a suitable active academic environment for university students from various countries, as it has witnessed rapid growth in its large and advanced educational institutions, allowing it to compete with well-known European universities, which has increased its popularity among students.

The number of international students studying in Cyprus from various nationalities has doubled, and the percentage of foreign students in Cypriot universities has increased, prompting universities to expand their educational programs and modern facilities to accommodate this growing demand.


Second – The most important universities in Turkish Cyprus

There are many universities in Turkish Cyprus, and among the leading universities in this region we mention:


1-  Near East University (NEU)

Ranked second locally and topped the 30th place among the best universities in the world. NEU is considered one of the most prominent Cypriot universities, with its unique educational quality and teaching efficiency.

Furthermore, it houses a vast university hospital that offers hands-on training for students, in addition to its expansive campus that provides students with an appropriate venue for hosting their activities and events


2-  Bahcesehir Cyprus University (BAU)

One of the branches of the renowned Bahcesehir University, and it is among the modern and strong universities that annually receive many students. It is distinguished by its creative teaching staff and advanced facilities.


3-  Cyprus International University (CIU)

Holds several international recognitions and offers a diverse range of important specialties.


4-  Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)

One of the most prestigious universities in Turkish Cyprus that provides strong educational programs and is tops a high rank among the best international universities.


5-  Kyrenia University

The first destination for those who wish to study marine sciences, as well as the possibility of studying aviation and space sciences. It is one of the branches of the Near East University.

All of these universities provide a wide range of academic programs in English, in addition to high-quality educational facilities, accommodation facilities, and supportive student services.


Third – Advantages of studying in Turkish Cypriot universities

Turkish Cypriot universities provide many advantages for students who choose to study in them, most notably:


1- Study Cost

Turkish Cypriot universities are considered an economical option for students looking for reasonable tuition costs, as the cost of studying there is relatively low compared to European countries.


2- Quality of Education

Turkish Cypriot universities have a good reputation in the field of education, as they adhere to international standards in providing academic programs and encouraging research and development.


3- English-based Curriculum

Most Cypriot universities use English in their various educational programs, which gives students a great opportunity to improve their English language skills and speak it fluently, helping them in the job market.


4- Multicultural Environment

Turkish Cypriot universities include students from various nationalities and cultures, providing an opportunity for cultural exchange and acquiring knowledge and experiences.


Studying at Turkish Cypriot Universities
Studying at Turkish Cypriot Universities


5- Professional Training

Northern Cypriot universities offer students the opportunity to receive training through their programs that seek to develop practical skills during their studies, enabling them to enter the job market after graduation without significant obstacles.


Fourth – Tuition costs in Turkish Cypriot universities

The cost of studying varies depending on the university, the program chosen, and the level of education. The cost of studying medical fields is higher than other specialties, and studying a year in a Master’s program costs more than studying a year in a Bachelor’s program.

Here are some details:


Study Fees

The annual fees for studying general majors and engineering are around $2900, while for medical majors it is $7000. These fees are acceptable and not high, especially when considering the various advantages that Turkish Cypriot universities offer


Additional Costs

There are some expenses that you need to consider when deciding to travel to study in Turkish Cyprus, such as residency permit fees, health insurance, and the cost of books. However, these expenses are minimal and not high, and may only reach up to $100 annually.



Some universities in Turkish Cyprus offer scholarships to international students, either fully or partially, depending on the value of the scholarship provided.


Cost of Living

There are basic costs of living in Cyprus, such as rent, food, and transportation, which vary depending on the location of the university and the area in which you live. The size of these expenses can range from $300 to $500 per month.


Fifth – Are the degrees of Turkish Cypriot universities recognized?

Accreditations are considered one of the most important criteria when choosing a good and suitable university to study in. These international accreditations allow you to obtain a strong and recognized degree, which makes it easier for you to find a good job in the future.

Therefore, universities in Turkish Cyprus are among the strongest universities in the world, due to their unique educational system and international accreditations obtained from various strong academic institutions, including:

  • European University Association (EUA).
  • International Association of Universities (IAU).
  • Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW).

There are also other accreditations from Edexcel and Pearson International, which specialize in evaluating education.

In conclusion, we have provided in this article diverse information about the advantages and costs of studying in Northern Cyprus, and we have presented some examples of those universities.

If you are one of the aspiring students who want to join one of the Northern Cyprus universities, do not hesitate to contact us to benefit from our services and learn about everything related to your educational journey in prestigious universities in Cyprus.


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