Studying abroad is more than just an educational experience; it’s a journey to broaden your horizons, gain new skills, and build a global network. When choosing your study destination, you’re looking for more than just a degree; you seek rich cultural experience, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and an extensive network.

International accreditations and recognitions play a crucial role here, ensuring that your degree is recognized worldwide and opens doors to job opportunities.

Cyprus International University (CIU) in Turkey, with its numerous accreditations and memberships in prestigious international organizations, offers everything you need to achieve this dream.

In this article, provided by Study More, we will explore the top Cyprus International University recognitions and accreditations, as well as the benefits of studying there.


About Cyprus International University

Founded in 1997 in Northern Cyprus, CIU has built a strong reputation in higher education. Whether you’re interested in science, engineering, business administration, or any other field, CIU offers programs that meet your ambitions and help you achieve your career goals. With its various recognitions and diverse programs, CIU provides an unforgettable educational experience and prepares you for the challenges of the job market.


Cyprus International University
Cyprus International University


Cyprus International University Recognitions (CIU)

CIU is committed to offering an exceptional educational experience by combining rigorous academic standards with prestigious international recognition.

Some of its notable international recognitions and accreditations include:

  • Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK)
  • Northern Cyprus Higher Education Council (YÖDAK)
  • Curriculum Evaluation and Accreditation Association (FEDEK)
  • Teacher Education Program Evaluation and Accreditation Association (EPDAD)
  • Health Sciences Program Evaluation and Accreditation Association (SABAK)
  • Communication Education Accreditation Board (İLEDAK)
  • International Business Administration Accreditation Foundation (FIBAA)
  • Engineering Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MÜDEK)
  • Architectural Accreditation Board (MiAK)
  • Pearson Assured Certification for high-quality training programs


Benefits of Studying at Cyprus International University

Ideal Learning Environment:

Located in Lefkoşa, the university provides a comfortable and inspiring study environment with mild weather year-round.


Rich Cultural Environment:

CIU hosts a diverse student body from various nationalities, creating a culturally rich environment that expands students’ horizons and enhances their communication skills.


Rich Cultural Environment
Rich Cultural Environment


Diverse Academic Programs:

The university offers a wide range of internationally accredited programs covering various disciplines, with 196 academic majors, allowing students to choose fields that align with their interests and goals.


International Recognition:

CIU is widely recognized by global academic institutions, ensuring the quality of education and increasing employment opportunities for graduates.


Global Ranking:

The university holds a prominent position in global rankings.



CIU offers a variety of scholarships covering 50% to 100% of tuition fees.


Academic Exchange:

The university provides opportunities for students to study at partner universities worldwide, enhancing their language, cultural skills, and global network.


Modern Facilities:

CIU features modern, comprehensive facilities, including libraries, laboratories, health services, and the largest sports facility in Northern Cyprus, with indoor and outdoor courts and a semi-Olympic swimming pool.


Modern Facilities - Cyprus International University
Modern Facilities – Cyprus International University


Student Activities:

The university encourages student participation in various activities and events, with over 40 student clubs and 30 student communities.


Global Issues Focus:

CIU is dedicated to environmental issues and alternative energy resources, ranking 111th in the UI GreenMetric world rankings. Achievements include:

  • Establishing the largest solar energy farm on the island.
  • Completing plans for the first biogas plant in Northern Cyprus.
  • Conducting excavations in one of the oldest settlements in Northern Cyprus, opening the historical site for visitors, and engaging in educational activities.


solar energy farm
solar energy farm


Services by Study More – Exclusive Agent for Cyprus International University

In addition to facilitating the application process, Study More, the exclusive agent for CIU, offers students additional services, including guaranteed study seats and exclusive scholarships provided by the university.


Study More – Exclusive Agent for Cyprus International University
Study More – Exclusive Agent for Cyprus International University


In conclusion, if you seek high-quality education in an international environment, Cyprus International University is the ideal choice. With its numerous recognitions and diverse programs, you will gain an unforgettable educational experience.

Contact us via WhatsApp for a free consultation or more information about studying at Cyprus International University or other Turkish Cyprus universities.


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