The field of tourism management is considered one of the most important and in-demand disciplines in our contemporary world, due to its close association with the growth and prosperity of the global economy.

Given the vital role tourism plays in the global economy, there is a growing need for skilled experts who can manage tourist destinations efficiently and develop effective strategies to attract tourists from around the world.

In this context, Northern Cyprus represents a unique tourist destination, with its stunning beaches and rich historical landmarks attracting thousands of visitors annually. This makes studying tourism management at universities in Northern Cyprus an ideal opportunity for students seeking to build a promising future in this field.

In our article provided by Study More Educational Agency, we will discuss studying tourism management at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus, including details about the undergraduate and graduate programs. Stay tuned.


Studying Tourism Management in Northern Cyprus

Through tourists andshed academic programs offered by universities in Northern Cyprus, students gain the necessary experiences and skills to successfully manage tourism projects, develop effective marketing plans to attract tourists, and understand the economic conditions surrounding the tourism industry.

Moreover, studying in Northern Cyprus offers students the chance to experience a new culture and acquire communication skills with people from diverse backgrounds. This contributes to shaping their personality and enhancing their leadership skills, preparing them to compete in the global job market.


Studying Tourism Management at Eastern Mediterranean University

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) is one of the prominent universities in Northern Cyprus offering distinguished programs in tourism management.

The university’s Faculty of Tourism provides students with the opportunity to pursue a bachelor’s degree in tourism management or continue their studies at the master’s and doctoral levels.


Studying at Eastern Mediterranean University
Studying at Eastern Mediterranean University


Bachelor’s Program in Tourism Management

The bachelor’s program in tourism management at Eastern Mediterranean University aims to prepare graduates to meet the needs of the global tourism sector, offering practical training opportunities at renowned tourism institutions.


Program Duration:

The program lasts 4 years, during which students receive comprehensive education combining theoretical knowledge with practical application.


Language of Instruction:

The tourism management program at Eastern Mediterranean University is available in English.

It also offers English language courses during the first two years to improve language skills and sector-specific terminology. Additionally, students can learn additional foreign languages such as German, French, Russian, and a third language through elective courses.



The curriculum covers a variety of subjects, including communication skills, hotel and resort management, tourism planning, tourism economics, and other fundamental topics that prepare students for a wide range of career opportunities in the tourism industry.



Eastern Mediterranean University provides a range of facilities to support the learning process and offer a comprehensive educational environment for students, including:

  • A computer lab equipped with modern computers and various resources to support coursework
  • A multimedia lab
  • A Fidelio lab, providing the globally recognized Fidelio hotel management system, allowing students to gain practical experience in managing hotel operations
  • A demonstration kitchen, equipped with advanced tools and equipment for managing and operating professional kitchens
  • A demonstration restaurant, offering a realistic environment for customer service, enabling students to apply the theories they have learned in practical settings.


Faculty of Tourism - Eastern Mediterranean University
Faculty of Tourism – Eastern Mediterranean University


Application Requirements:

The requirements for applying to the tourism management program are:

  1. A high school diploma
  2. Proof of English proficiency


Academic Accreditations:

The tourism management program at Eastern Mediterranean University boasts prestigious academic accreditations from international bodies such as:

  • FIBAA: Accreditation from the International Business Administration Foundation
  • TedQual: Quality accreditation for teaching in tourism


Career Opportunities:

Graduates of the program enjoy broad employment opportunities in the tourism sector, including transport companies, airlines, international hotels, travel agencies, and more.


Master’s Program in Tourism Management

The master’s program in tourism management at EMU aims to develop students’ capabilities in research and advanced management in the tourism sector. The master’s program is available:

  1. With thesis, ranging from one to two years
  2. Without thesis, ranging from one to one and a half years


Doctoral Program in Tourism Management

The doctoral program in tourism management at Eastern Mediterranean University is aimed at students who aspire to achieve academic excellence and contribute to international and local tourism markets, focusing on planning, organizing, and making strategic management decisions.

The program duration ranges from 3.5 to 5 years.


In conclusion, if you aspire to study tourism management at Eastern Mediterranean University or any of the universities in Northern Cyprus, Study More Educational Agency, the official agent for top universities in Northern Cyprus, will offer you many benefits and special discounts provided by the universities. Do not hesitate to contact us now via WhatsApp for more information.


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