Cyprus International University (CIU) established its Faculty of Medicine to be a prestigious destination for ambitious medical students.

Its six-year academic program, accredited by the World Directory of Medical Schools and the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to graduate highly qualified doctors capable of taking specialty exams, working anywhere globally, and competing in the international job market.

In this article provided by Study More Educational Agency, we will discuss the Faculty of Medicine at Cyprus International University, the details of Studying Medicine at Cyprus International University, and the benefits and features offered by the university. Stay with us.


Studying Medicine at Cyprus International University

CIU strives to be a leader in medical education. Through its comprehensive academic programs and modern facilities, it graduates doctors with global medical knowledge, skills, and values, able to provide advanced solutions to health problems and contribute to scientific knowledge both nationally and internationally.


Study at Cyprus International University
Study at Cyprus International University


Human Medicine Program at Cyprus International University

The Faculty of Medicine at CIU follows a comprehensive educational system consisting of three main stages:


Stage One

The first three years cover basic sciences and the natural biological functions of the human body.


Stage Two

In the fourth and fifth years, theoretical lessons are combined with practical training in collaboration with Başkent University, Adana – Turgut Noyan Center for Applications and Research. Students participate in clinical training including patient visits, case preparation, and lessons in outpatient clinics and operating rooms.


Stage Two
Stage Two


Stage Three

In the sixth and final year, the program shifts to comprehensive practical training. Students take direct responsibility for patient care under the supervision of specialized faculty members. This stage allows students to apply the theoretical knowledge gained throughout their studies in a practical environment, fully preparing them for their professional careers as doctors.


Language of Instruction

The Human Medicine program at Cyprus International University is available in English.


Advantages of Study Medicine at Cyprus International University

Academic Advantages and Modern Facilities

The Faculty of Medicine at Cyprus International University boasts world-class educational facilities designed to provide students with the best possible learning experience.

The faculty includes advanced laboratories in various fields, such as biochemistry and neuroscience.

It also features a comprehensive anatomy lab and a mortuary equipped with the latest technologies, along with vital data systems and advanced simulation experiments for teaching physiology.

This advanced infrastructure allows students to engage in scientific experiments and develop their practical skills effectively.


Prestigious Global Ranking

Cyprus International University is ranked among the top global universities according to the Times Higher Education rankings for 2024.


Cyprus International University is ranked among the top global universities
Cyprus International University is ranked among the top global universities


International Recognition and Career Opportunities

Cyprus International University has received numerous international recognitions and accreditations from prestigious global institutions. In addition to being accredited by the World Health Organization (WHO) and listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools, the university is also accredited in Oman.

This accreditation means that graduates of the Faculty of Medicine are qualified to work as doctors and apply for specialty exams in Oman and anywhere around the world.

Furthermore, the Faculty of Medicine is listed in the ECFMG, enhancing students’ opportunities to secure residency programs and employment in the United States.


Ease of Meeting Application Requirements

The requirements to apply for the Human Medicine program are as follows:

  1. High school diploma.
  2. Proof of English proficiency.


In conclusion, by choosing to study medicine in Northern Cyprus, you are investing in your professional future effectively. Thanks to the high quality of medical education offered by Cypriot universities and the international recognition of their degrees, you will be well-positioned to build a successful career anywhere in the world.

If you aspire to study medicine at one of the universities in Northern Cyprus or at Cyprus International University, do not hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp. As an accredited agent for the top universities in Northern Cyprus and the exclusive agent for Cyprus International University, we offer numerous benefits and services.


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