Many Arab students aspire to study in Northern Cyprus in their native language. They seek Arabic language majors at the Near East University, known for its diverse language offerings, especially at the Master’s and Ph.D. levels.

In this article prepared by Study More, we will provide you with information about majors offered in Arabic language at the University of Near East, along with insights into the advantages and costs of studying at the university.


Majors taught in Arabic at Near East University

The Near East University offers an excellent opportunity for international students who wish to pursue their postgraduate studies in Turkish Cyprus but in the Arabic language. This opportunity is available within the College of Social Sciences, which provides programs in Arabic at the Master’s level with a thesis, Master’s without a thesis, as well as Ph.D. programs.

As for the specializations taught in Arabic at The Near East University, they are as follows:


First – a master’s degree with a thesis

  1. Economics.
  2. Banking and Accounting.
  3. Banking and Finance.
  4. Business Administration.
  5. Security Studies.
  6. Public Law.
  7. Private Law.
  8. International Relations.
  9. Arabic Language and Rhetoric.


Second – a master’s degree without a thesis

  1. Economy.
  2. General Psychology.


Third – PhD

  1. Economics.
  2. Business Administration.
  3. Political Intelligence and International Relations.
  4. Public Law.


About the Near East University

The Near East University is one of the most established universities in Northern Cyprus. It was founded in 1988 in the capital city of Nicosia. The university’s campus includes 16 faculties with 220 departments and majors, along with 4 professional institutes and 28 research centers. Through these facilities, the university offers exceptional educational opportunities to more than 26,000 students from over 100 countries.

Among Cypriot universities, the university took the lead in establishing the first medical school, dental school, and pharmacy school. It also stands out for its possession of a supercomputer, which places it among the world’s most powerful universities. Additionally, the university’s library houses over a million volumes and 155 million electronic sources.

The university provides housing for international students, accommodating more than 5,000 individuals. These accommodations include shopping centers, restaurants, fitness centers, hospitals, international banks, recreational clubs, and various other service and entertainment facilities.


Studying at the Near East University
Studying at the Near East University


Advantages of studying at Near East University

The Near East University has been able to make its mark efficiently in higher education in Northern Cyprus. It took the lead in establishing the country’s first colleges – as we mentioned earlier – in addition to several other privileges, such as:

  • University ranking among the best global universities for 2022-2023, according to US News & World Report.
  • Achieving first place as the best foundational university in Turkey.
  • Membership in a large number of reputable international associations and institutes, including:
  • Full membership in the European University Association (EUA).
  • Full membership in the International Association of Universities (IAU).
  • Participation in the Erasmus exchange program.
  • Membership in 118 international institutes worldwide.
  • The university possesses an experienced and competent academic staff in various fields to provide the best educational experience for students.
  • The option to choose the language of instruction from English, Arabic, and Turkish.
  • The university offers unique majors that meet the needs of the job market, especially those within the College of Engineering.
  • The possibility of obtaining dual degrees from different departments through a double major study program.
  • Benefiting from the cultural and educational exchange offered by the university with prominent international universities.
  • Benefiting from scholarships in a large number of majors, which can reach up to 50%.
  • The university refines the experience of its students through practical training in major institutions related to their field of study.
  • With all these privileges, you will find that the tuition fees at the Near East University are relatively low compared to other international universities of the same academic standing.
  • The university cares about the recreational aspect of students through various free concerts, competitions, and cultural and sports activities within the university.
  • Facilities for students with special needs through arrangements for additional lessons, easy access to university facilities, and more.
  • The university is equipped with unique educational and service facilities,
  • including:
    • A spacious campus.
    • A large library.
    • A large educational hospital.
    • A school for the parents of university students.
    • International banks.
    • Travel agencies.
    • A post office.
    • Restaurants.
    • Ataturk Cultural Center.
    • A conference center.
    • Various social clubs.
    • Various museums.


Near East University Library
Near East University Library


Tuition Fees for Majors Offered in Arabic Language at the University of Near East

The costs of studying majors taught in Arabic at the Near East University for master’s and PhD degrees start at $2,500, and they vary from one major to another.


The costs of studying majors taught in Arabic at the Near East University
The costs of studying majors taught in Arabic at the Near East University


In conclusion

The Near East is distinguished by what it offers to international graduate students who wish to study in Northern Cyprus in Arabic-language majors, whether at the master’s or doctoral level.

If you would like more information about the majors offered by the Near East University in Arabic, please contact us now for a free educational consultation.

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