Choosing the right university can be one of the most challenging decisions for students wishing to study abroad, given the numerous options available. That’s why Study More has prepared this article, outlining 5 criteria for selecting the appropriate university. We aim to assist you in making this important decision in your life.


Criteria for Choosing the Appropriate University | How Do I Choose My University?

As a student aspiring to study abroad, you may have a question in mind when you begin your search for the best university: What are the essential criteria for selecting a university? It is crucial to have a set of fundamental rules to guide your decision-making process, as comparing available options without them can be challenging.

To establish these criteria, it is necessary to define the goals you wish to achieve. For instance, one of the primary objectives could be securing excellent employment prospects after graduation. Additionally, you might have other goals such as advancing to prestigious positions or excelling in your chosen field by obtaining top-notch training. With that in mind, here are the five key rules for choosing a university.


1- World Ranking and Accreditation of the University

Studying at an accredited university with a high global ranking is a dream for many students, and undoubtedly, it is an important factor that should be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is preferable to strive to enroll in a university that is recognized and respected for its degree worldwide, with a solid academic reputation. This ensures that you won’t face the need to take specialized assessment exams when pursuing employment opportunities.


How to find out the ranking of universities

To determine the ranking of universities, there are several institutions that are responsible for classifying and ranking them. Each institution relies on specific criteria and guidelines for ranking, such as:

  • Published scientific research by the university.
  • Number of faculty members and their ratio to the number of students.
  • Recognitions and accreditations received by the university.
  • Partnerships established by the university with other institutions.
  • Percentage of university graduates who have been employed.


The Most Recognized Global University Rankings | Criteria for Choosing the Right University

Among the most famous international rankings of universities:


  1. Times Higher Education Ranking

It ranks Near East University (NEU) in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus among the top 600 universities in the world.


Near East University
Near East University


  1. Webometrics Ranking

This is the most comprehensive global ranking that includes over 20,000 universities worldwide. It ranks several universities in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus among the best in the region.

Regarding the universities in Northern Cyprus, Near East University (NEU) tops the list of the best universities, followed by Cyprus International University (CIU), Bahçeşehir Cyprus University (BAU), Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), and other universities.


2-  University Accreditation and Recognition

Each country establishes its own specific criteria for recognizing foreign universities. One of the most important factors is recognition by the country where the university is located. For example, it is essential for a university in Northern Cyprus to be recognized by its Higher Education Council (YÖDAK), and further credibility is gained by recognition from the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK).

Every university publishes the recognitions it has received from countries and the accreditations it has obtained from various institutions on its official website. Alternatively, you can search for this information on our website, Study More, which provides comprehensive information about universities in Northern Cyprus.


3-  University Facilities and Infrastructure

During your search for the best university, it is important to assess the capabilities of the university and its facilities. This includes research centers, laboratories, hospitals, and the availability of modern and advanced equipment. This ensures that you receive the best training that will qualify you for future employment and direct work experience.

For example, the Universities of the Near East and Kyrenia contain a university hospital for each of them, which made them in the first place among the universities that students wish to study medical branches. Likewise, CIU University, which has more than 40 diverse applied and research centers, has therefore become a destination for students wishing to study engineering of all kinds.

Furthermore, the presence of cultural facilities such as libraries and recreational facilities like sports halls, swimming pools, and games is also important. For instance, Cyprus International University (CIU) boasts the largest sports facility in Northern Cyprus, which provides you with opportunities to participate in competitions, leagues, and various activities organized by the universities.


4-  Available Specializations at the University

One important criterion in choosing the right university is the availability of a wide range of specializations. This allows you to have a broad range of options to choose from based on your interests and aspirations. In contrast, universities that offer only a few specializations may limit your choices to fields that may not be suitable or appealing to you, or that may not have good prospects.

However, it is not enough for a university to simply offer many specializations for it to be considered “the right university for you!” It should excel in the field of your chosen specialization and have a good reputation in that area. For example, when it comes to the question of which university is the best for studying dentistry, the immediate answer would be Near East University (NEU). This reputation will make employers consider you for future employment opportunities.


Studying dentistry at the Near East University
Studying dentistry in Turkish Cyprus


In this context, it is important to review the curriculum followed by the university, the teaching methods employed, and the number and expertise of the faculty members. For instance, at UFU University, there is one academic teacher for every 8 students, which is a high and impressive ratio compared to many international universities.


5-  University Location as an Important Criterion for Choosing the Right University

University, for you, is an investment. You are studying to graduate and obtain a prestigious job in your field, aiming to achieve status and financial stability. Therefore, you should consider investment principles by minimizing the time, effort, and money spent while maximizing your experience, knowledge, and skills.

To achieve this, it is preferable to look for universities located near the capital city where government institutions, embassies, shopping centers, and essential services are located. This reduces transportation expenses and saves time and effort.

In addition to the above, studying abroad and attending a university with a diverse student population and a mix of cultures will provide you with new experiences and expose you to a variety of cultures that enrich your knowledge. Cyprus International University (CIU) and Bahçeşehir Cyprus University are among the most culturally and socially diverse universities in the world, attracting students from over 110 different countries.


University requirements for admission

Universities vary in the requirements and conditions they set for students to be admitted, with some being easy and others being difficult. Therefore, it is necessary for you to search for a university that matches your qualifications.

This criterion is very important as it has become essential for evaluating universities and their flexibility and cooperation. This is why we see the distinction of universities in Northern Cyprus, as it has become one of the top study destinations for foreign students from different countries.

Now, the wonderful thing we can tell you is that Study More institution is accredited by the best universities in Northern Cyprus, which enables it to obtain direct admissions for all students in Turkish Cypriot universities.


Balancing the positives and negatives (or advantages and disadvantages)

Finally, the most important thing we would like to remind you of regarding choosing the right university is that every university has its positives and negatives.

This matter is subjective, and you can measure and verify it to find the best university that outweighs its negatives with its positives. To assist you with this, you can contact the consultants at our institution, Study More, who will guide and help you choose the best university for you. So, please get in touch with us at the provided number here to receive your free consultation.


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