Cyprus International University offers a wide range of accredited academic programs that meet the needs of ambitious students, committed to providing high-quality education at competitive prices.

In this article, we’ll explore the details of the Cyprus International University tuition fees and provide you with all the information you need. We’ll also show how an exclusive agent like Study More can help you secure a lower cost for studying at the university.


Tuition Fees at Cyprus International University

Cyprus International University invests heavily in providing high-quality education to all students, regardless of their backgrounds or financial situations, ensuring they receive the best possible educational experience and are qualified to work in top companies and institutions worldwide.

The university’s affordable tuition fees align with its vision of making higher education accessible to everyone, contributing to the development of a more advanced society.


Cyprus International University
Cyprus International University


Cost of Study at Cyprus International University

The tuition fees listed include VAT and all additional charges.


Undergraduate Fees at Cyprus International University

Undergraduate fees at Cyprus International University start from €550.00 and can reach up to €6,600.00 annually, depending on the program and scholarship received.


Cyprus International University Tuition Fees for the Faculty of Medicine

The annual tuition fees for the Faculty of Medicine are €6,600.00.


Cyprus International University Tuition Fees for the Faculty of Dentistry

The annual tuition fees for the Faculty of Dentistry are €5,594.00.


Cyprus International University - Faculty of Dentistry
Cyprus International University – Faculty of Dentistry


Cyprus International University Tuition Fees for the Faculty of Pharmacy

The tuition fees for the Faculty of Pharmacy range from €4,194.00 to €2,372.00 annually, depending on the scholarship received by the student.


Tuition Fees for Engineering major at Cyprus International University

The tuition fees for engineering specializations range between €3,194.00 and €1,872.00 annually if the student receives a 75% scholarship.


Tuition Fees for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Cyprus International University

The faculty offers a unique opportunity for a scholarship that covers 100% of the seat fee, reducing the total tuition fees to only €550.00 annually.


Graduate Program Fees at Cyprus International University

Tuition fees for graduate programs at Cyprus International University vary based on the specific program and field of study.

For master’s students, the average cost per course is €350. Additional expenses include graduation-related fees such as thesis and seminar fees

Doctoral students face slightly higher tuition, with an average course fee of €650. They are also required to pay a thesis fee of €2,600, which usually takes four semesters to complete, along with seminar fees for presenting their thesis.

Other potential costs include annual registration fees, which vary between new and returning students. Some scientific programs may also have additional charges for lab and equipment usage.


How Study More Can Help You Save on Tuition

As the exclusive representative for Cyprus International University, Study More provides students with special scholarships and discounts, potentially covering up to 100% of the seat purchase fees.

Contact us directly via WhatsApp to secure your place and take advantage of our exclusive offers. Our team is ready to assist with any questions and provide full support.



In summary, Cyprus International University offers affordable tuition and a wide range of programs, giving students the chance to receive quality education with broad opportunities.

Contact us now for more details on the university, tuition fees, and available scholarships, and get a free consultation on study programs. Our expert team will guide you through every step of your educational journey.


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